Training course Tanzania


Intro to the project:

It was a training course, but not one where you sit back and relax. We used active methods based on experiential learning in combination with practical theory. It means that we were using discussions, simulations, role plays etc and exchanged the experiences and worked together on concrete future project plans.

A strong principle of the Sailor’s courses is the belief that “learning from each other” is fundamental to non-formal learning. 



  • Marco - Estonia
  • Kasia - Poland
  • Ondrej - Czech Republic
  • Genos - Tanzania


Training wasfocused on exchange of good practicies, both during the course itself and during study visits. Through study visits in organisations and institutions stimulating active participation of young people participants and partner organisations gaint extra knowledge and experience of how – in practical way – topic was being adressed in those different realities. The idea of those study visits was that they were organised within the course and within both meetings of the team , and all of them were described on the website. Additionaly we wanted to involve participants of the trainings to organise those study visits in their home organisations.


The target group of the project was the youth workers/trainers that were able to pass on their newly learned knowledge and experience through their everyday work. They transmitted the learned ideas, methods and information to others.  In this the multiplication effect assured the quality in the field of non-formal education. We as well worked with the youth workers/trainers who were carrying out projects combining the non-formal and formal education.

Photos of all participants you can see here



Follow up of the training:


Main follow up activities are taking on 2 levels. 

- First of all participants of trainings were obliged to run follow up activities in their local communities, those were workshops all small educational projects, they planned them during the training, and all of those activities were connected via internet. Participants had approximately 2 months after the end of the training for organising such initiative.


- Second of all – we believe that participants were encourage to plan follow up activities, especially the one that can be easily run with the use of ICT, with support of internet, skype and other tools of this kind, special part of the training was devoted for working on future partnership and concrete and realistic project ideas. All participants also has professional of trainers as their tutors who supported  them in developing and implementing their project ideas.

Both follow up projects organised as a direct follow up of trainings as longer term initiatives were reported on the website of the project.


Documents to download from the training course:

Pax guide you can download here